I want to take time to say what I am thankful for.
I am thankful for my husband. You are my hero and partner in crime.
I am thankful for my children. You constanlty surpass my imagination of who you might be.
I am thankful for my parents (all 6 of you). You continue to guide me and are a blessing to your granddaughters.
I am thankful to have five grandparents whom I adore.
I am thankful for my relatives. I will drive for days to see you and feel it was worth it.
I am thankful for Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jane. You drive so many hours to be there for my mom. I can't thank you enough.
I am thankful for Alison. You always get my jokes and remember everything and you will take a 2 hour train ride to hold hand when I need it.
I am thankful for Jessica. You are my alli, you can make me laugh so hard I almost wet myself. Seriously, you should do stand-up.
I am thankful for Laura. You are a DISCO QUEEN and take "take-your-breath-away" pictures.
I am thankful for Juli. You are delicious to know.
I am thankful for Toni. You are hilarious and louder than I am and you can party like a rock star better than anyone I have ever known, and that's saying something.
I am thankful for Terryee who always writes right back. I treasure you as a girlfriend.
I am thankful for Maria and Tony and the Curry kids. You rock, plain and simple.
I am thankful for Ashley. You kick my ass into gear and you always hug me.
I am thankful for Kat and Avi. You are my ohana.
I am thankful for Jan and Dan. You tell me stuff I want to know.
I am thankful for my neighbors. You make this a place I want to live.
I am thankful to love where I live.
I am thankful my dog didn't die in surgery last week.
I am thankful my mom didn't die in surgery last month and she is not paralyzed.
I am thankful my Aunt Fran didn't die in surgery last week and the cancer is not in her liver.
I am thankful this past month is over.
I am thankful to be home.
I am thankful for not needing a job.
I am thankful for that for once in my life I am experiencing wanting to be where I am.
I am thankful for laughter, especially the tears from your eyes, stomach hurts, peeing in your pants, snorting kind of laughter.
I am thankful for momma blogs and mommy-groups and Fun Friday and Toddler Time and all my online friendships.
if I have forgotten you, I am sorry I am tired and I will add to this list as I remember